Tuesday 2 October 2018

Yongchak Singju: Raw ingredients mixed with fermented fish and chilies- A Spicy Salad

 Stinky Beans Singju


  1. Two ripe mature stinky beans with prominent beans.
  2. Three big pieces of smoked/steamed fermented fish.
  3. Smoked red chilies as much as you want.
  4. Pea shoot and onion for garnish.
Tools Required:
A stinky beans peeler for the skin.

1. First, slice the stinky beans into small pieces as seen in the picture.
2. Then, mash the fermented fish and chilies together( you may use a pestle) with salt.
3. Now, mix the paste with the chopped stinky beans thoroughly.
4. Your singju is now done. Add the pea shoot and onion as garnish.

Disclaimer: I do not own the picture. It was obtained from Wikipedia.


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