Friday 12 October 2018

Hawaijar Metpa: Fermented Dried Soybean Salad

Fermented Dried Soybean Salad  

  1. 250 g dried fermented soybean
  2. 50 g fresh cucumber cut into bit sized pieces
  3. Three strands of medium sized spring onion chopped into 2 cm long pieces
  4.  A small sized onion finely chopped
  5. A small sized tomato finely chopped
  6. A small roasted fermented fish to add some flavor
  7. A king chili
  8. Salt to taste
  1. Make a paste with the king chili, fermented fish and salt.
  2. Then mix all the vegetables with the chili-fish paste to seep its flavor in it.
  3. Lastly, add the dried soy bean and mix.


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